Stainless Steel Trocars
Trocarsets offer Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Trocar Kits for BHRT, Hormon Pellet Trocar Devices and Kits, Trocars are available in two sizes to accommodate the most common pellets available on the market both 4.5mm-150mg-200mg pellets and 3.5mm, 6 mg-125mg pellets.
Medinars offers the highest quality Surgical Steel Trocars for pellet insertion for hormone replacement therapy.
Medinars offers the highest quality Surgical Steel Trocars for pellet insertion for hormone replacement therapy.
Shop Trocars Here
We also offer the highest quality "Disposable Trocars" from our premier vendor.
Please email us at [email protected] for pricing and information
Please email us at [email protected] for pricing and information